Ispmanager 6 business documentation

Using the repository in the project


In order to use the installed dependencies in the project, fill in the path in the PHP section:


An example of a PHP file adding lines to the log:

<?phprequire_once('vendor/autoload.php');use Monolog\Level;use Monolog\Logger;use Monolog\Handler\StreamHandler;$logger = new Logger('channel-name');$logger->pushHandler(new StreamHandler('app.log', Logger::DEBUG));$logger->info('This is log');$logger->warning('This is log warning');$logger->error('This is log error');?>
The repository used by default is

In order to edit the configuration file:

  1. In the Main menu, select WWW-domains.
  2. Select the desired website and click on the context menu button “”.
  3. In the drop-down menu, select PHP Composer installed packages.
  4. In the form that opens, click Configuration file.
  5. Make the necessary changes and click Ok.

When saving, the correctness of the JSON format is checked and the execution of the install or update command with the dry-run key is emulated.

For example, the preliminary check of the dependencies' installation:

/bin/sh -c cd\ /var/www/cm/data/www/\;./composer.phar\ install\ --dry-run